Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris bengalensis) - Royal Bengal tiger is the largest member of the cat family are renowned for their power so that the title of the king of the jungle.
There are eight tiger subspecies living in one period, but three of them extinct since the 20th century. Over the last 100 years, hunting and forest destruction have reduced tiger populations from hundreds of thousands of animals being only about less than 2,500 tails were left. Tigers are hunted as trophies, as well as body parts can be used in traditional Chinese medicine. Of the five remaining tiger subspecies is now endangered, and many protection programs do.
Bengal tiger (bengali) is an animal species of mammal or mammal, prey status (order) carnivorous, life span in the wild on average in the wild can reach the age of 8 to 10 years. Size, head and body length of 5-6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m), tail length of 2-3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 meters), weight: about 240-500 lbs (109-227 kg ). Status protection of endangered status (Endangered).
Do you know? This striped tiger roar can be heard up to 2 miles (3 km).
Bengal tigers live in India and is sometimes called the Indian tiger. They are the most common tiger and number about half of them living in the wild. For centuries they have become an important part of the tradition in India and also for science.
These tigers are solitary and very aggressive, their scent marking a wide area to indicate that their rivals away. They are nocturnal hunters that strong that they had to travel many
miles to find buffalo, deer, wild boar and other large mammals.
The big Tigers use their distinctive camouflage coat for camouflage (disguise) during the forest. They lay down to wait for prey, then crept up quite close and then attack their victims by quickly using terkamannya fatal. A hungry tiger can eat fresh meat as much as 60 pounds (27 kilograms) in a single night, even though they usually eat less.
Although their reputation is very spooky and scary, but most tigers avoid humans, but some of them into a dangerous animal. These animals are often sick and could not hunt normally, or for those living in areas where their prey had vanished.
Tigress gave birth to her son about two to six tails, and they nurture him alone or with a little help male tiger. Cubs
can not hunt on their own until they are 18 months old and will stay
with their mother for two to three years until they broke up after
finding their own hunting grounds.
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